Contact Us

Mikko Bergman

(+358) 40 562 8976

Mikko is an experienced entrepreneur and investor. He is founder of start-up businesses, which he has built into successful companies. He has also invested in several private companies and helped the entrepreneurs in those companies to succeed. Before focusing his efforts on investing in private companies, Mikko was an investment banker in London and Helsinki, advising numerous companies in financing and M&A transactions.

Liang Wang

(+358) 44 349 9955

Liang is a recognized scientist with extensive background in both academia and industry, known for his work in communication networks, algorithm design, and data analysis. He holds an MBA and a PhD in Computer Science. Liang is experienced in technology transfer. He commercialized his academic research into an award-winning AI startup. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Helsinki University and the Chief AI Architect at Nokia Technologies.